Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Verbal Vomit

M's mom: Good morning sweetie!

Miranda: Make me some coffee. and a red bull. I hate you.


Shawn'Na: Am I stratteling your leg?

Miranda: No, what is it?

Shawn'Na: Good, its a blanket. I didnt want you thinking i was spooning you all night


"Mom tried to make me pee in a cup. in the front seat of the car. going 60 mph down the highway." -Miranda


"Mija, we thought about you. We bought you some soup." -Pop


"Do you ever wonder what it would be like if turtles were fast?" -Miranda


Shawn'Na: "Do you have paper on your person?"
Miranda: "Who's my person? Are you my person?


Border Patrol: "Are you bringing anything back across the border?"
M's mom: "Yeah, a parrot."
Border Patrol: "Alive or dead?"
M's mom: "plastic"


"Directors Blog: 1.0372...." -Shawn'Na
"I love it when you say blog" -Miranda


"If I ever get a dog, I'm going to name it Dogasaurus." -Miranda


"Hey school bus! go ahead and put it out there" -Miranda


*in mid sentence*
"Oh my god. I just saw a squirrel hop." -Miranda


*at a table full of silent people*
"I think I'm Benjaman Button" -Miranda


*someone farted*
"Hello?" -Shawn'Na


Shawn'Na: Don't make me hit you with a kettle at The Olive Garden

Miranda: Don't make me hit you with an olive garden at Kettle!


Shawn'Na: I have something in my eye... do you hear the sirens, its the pork!

Miranda: You call the stuff in your eye 'pork'?

Shawn'Na: No, I call it sleep

Miranda: You call the police 'the sleep'?


"You're smoking a cigarette and I'm drinking a red bull... are we the same person?" - Shawn'Na


"Brick Wall!!" - Miranda


*at the top of enchanted rock*

"Do you want to share my Pop Tart and watch the sunset?" -Shawn'Na


Miranda: I love Ryan Buell

Shawn'Na: Are you just looking at guys on TV and saying you love them?

Miranda: *in a weak high pitched voice* I love Ryan Buell...

"Do you think she knows I'm cutting my onion with a spoon?" - Shawn'Na
"Did your butt just quack at me?" -Shawn'Na
"Did someone just fart... or is that my breath?" -Miranda

"You're my breast friends" -Shawn'Na


"I just want to eat some cream cheese" -Shawn'Na


"Party like a Barrack store" -Shawn'Na


"Decay is a new word, I just made it up" -Shawn'Na


"Sorry, the two 11's freaked me out" -Shawn'Na


"I thought you were a shoe!" -Ashley


"It smells like a rape shower in here" -Miranda


"I love your mom, do you have any asprin?" -Miranda


Miranda: Did you just say that came out of your crotch?

Shawn'Na: Yeah... cheese
